Describe a lesson you have taught that was particularly effective

Describe how you inspired your student and what made it so effective. Share any innovative method or technique you used to make your lesson more engaging.

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I had a student who was struggling with the prepositions in, on and at. I used the zoom annotations to draw rectangles of different colours for each preposition. I then wrote an explanation for each inside the rectangle. 1. at : is used for clock times, exact times of a day, e.g. "at night, at 5 pm, at sunset". 2. in : is used for months, years, seasons, eras, morning/afternoon/evening. E.g. in March, in the evening, in spring, in 2023. 3. on : is used for days, dates, holidays, weekends, etc. I then asked the student about their daily routine. I used sentence starters and modelling. Ex. When is your birthday? My birthday is ....... What do you do in evening? at night? When are you starting your new job? I am starting my new job......... The lights switched on for my student. She said: Thank you teacher. Now I understand the difference.

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