Business English: What is teh difference between mortgage and leasing?

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A lease is a contract between a tenant and a landlord for a period of time. while a mortgage is money you get as a loan to buy a house and pay it with an interest for a specific amount of time. Both of them have the same similarities of a specific time

  • Mortgage is when you borrow money to help you buy to own. You pay a deposit and a borrow the rest of the money to be paid back monthly with interest. A lease is a long term agreement to rent, usually comercial rather than residential.

  • A mortgage is a loan to buy your property. So the property will eventually be owned by you. Leasing a property means that you pay an amount each month to be able to use or live in the space. You will not own the property if you lease it.

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  • Mortgage is a loan for your real estate (finally this building becomes your property) Leasing is a rent contract (used not only for real estate)

  • Tabi
    TabiCountry flag: cm
    Certified Tutor

    One key difference between a mortgage and leasing is the ownership of the property. With a mortgage, the borrower takes out a loan to purchase the property and becomes the owner. They make monthly payments towards the loan until it is fully paid off. In contrast, with leasing, the individual or business renting the property does not own it. They pay rent to use the property for a specific period of time, typically under a lease agreement. At the end of the lease term, they have no ownership rights and must return the property to the owner.

  • In a Mortgage, the customer owns the system outright, whereas in a Lease the financier owns the system (perhaps until ownership is transferred through a final payment at the end of the lease term).

  • A mortgage is a loan used for purchasing a property, while a lease is a contract between a tenant and a landlord for a specific period of time.

  • Mortgage is a loan used to buy property whereas lease is a contract that gives you the right to use the property for a certain period of time.

  • A lease is an agreement that allows you to use a property for an agreed period. A mortgage is a loan that helps you buy a property

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