British VS American English, is the grammar usually the same?

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  • Hello, While there are many similarities between Br. and Am. English grammar, there are also some differences. Here are a few examples: Verb Agreement: - Br. English: The team are playing well. - Am. English: The team is playing well. Past Tense: - Br. English: She learnt Spanish last year. - Am English: She learned Spanish last year. Present Perfect: - Br. English: I've just finished my homework. - Am. English: I just finished my homework. Prepositions and Articles: - Br. English: He went to hospital. - Am. English: He went to the hospital.

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  • Not the same, flow of grammar also varies, pronunciation not that far out

  • No. Changes to some extent in some areas.

  • There are some differences in usage and spelling: for example British tend to use the present perfect tense more frequently then American English, and there are also variation in punctuation and word usage, But the core grammar rules are the same.

  • While British and American English share fundamental grammar rules, there are notable differences in spelling, vocabulary, and sometimes grammar conventions. For instance, the use of certain prepositions or verb forms may vary, but overall, the core grammar structures remain largely similar.

  • American and British Englishes share almost all of the same grammar. But there are differences and some are worth nothing- especially for English learners

  • There are differences in pronunciation and spelling. There are also drifferences in writing styles so in some instances the grammar is also different

  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    Differences between the two include pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary (lexis), spelling, punctuation, idioms, and formatting of dates and numbers. 🌍👌

  • Hi Not at all! Unfortunately something changes. For example have got and have! Both means possession, but B E wants got , American not.Spelling is different too. Words in British English ending with er in American end with re. Colour and color, oversize and oversise ...and soo on Best Regards

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