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Learn how to abbreviate and shorten some words and how to use them.

The “AFK” meaning in the gaming community and other online chatrooms

The “AFK” meaning in the gaming community and other online chatrooms

AFK is an abbreviation of the phrase “away from keyboard.” It is an initialism, meaning that it takes the first letter of each word to create a new term that’s shorter and easier to type.

Beth Taylor
Beth Taylor
What Does IDK Mean and How Do You Use It?

What Does IDK Mean and How Do You Use It?

By knowing the IDK meaning, you’ll be able to communicate with native English speakers via instant messages or SMS messages without wondering what the other person is trying to tell you.

Milena Lazova
Milena Lazova
When to use mins or min as an abbreviation for minutes

When to use mins or min as an abbreviation for minutes

Although “mins” is a commonly used abbreviation for minutes, you should be aware that it is not correct for scientific use.

Beth Taylor
Beth Taylor
What are Acronyms and How Did They Appear in Our Vocabulary?

What are Acronyms and How Did They Appear in Our Vocabulary?

Acronym is a form of abbreviation that is used for convenience and it allows us to use one word instead of repeating the entire phrase.

David J K Carr
David J K Carr
What is the meaning of PS?

What is the meaning of PS?

PS is the shortened form of the Latin word, which means “after writing” and describes an afterthought.

Andre Kern
Andre Kern
ILY: meaning and uses

ILY: meaning and uses

Many people tend to get confused about this trendy acronym when their friends or relatives text them. However, here are other ILY meanings you should know.

Geoffrey Mutie
Geoffrey Mutie
How to Use Common Text-Messaging Abbreviations: omw, tbf, ikr Meaning

How to Use Common Text-Messaging Abbreviations: omw, tbf, ikr Meaning

Whether you use WhatsApp, iMessage, or just about any other platform with verbal messaging capabilities, here are a few of the most widely used acronyms and lingo to save you time and energy in expressing yourself.

Cecilia Gigliotti
Cecilia Gigliotti
“Continued” Abbreviation—The Right Abbreviation for Continued

“Continued” Abbreviation—The Right Abbreviation for Continued

You might have seen a few different abbreviations for “continued,” including cont., cont’d., and even con’t. But not all of them are correct. In fact, some of them are not even abbreviations.

Milena Lazova
Milena Lazova