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English Grammar

Here you can find helpful articles on grammatical topics in English that will help you learn any aspect you need.

Creative Tasks to Practice Verb Tenses

Top 5 Creative Tasks to Practice Verb Tenses

In this article, I would like to share my top 5 non-standard tasks to use in class if the students are bored with traditional grammar drills. They are most appropriate for  A2/B1 level students. However, you can always upgrade them to B2 and even C1. The next step is to create an activity book for the students where you collect all the creative ways to study tenses and improve writing skills simultaneously. I am a big fan of tools like Padlet or Miro, so I would recommend creating an interactive

How to Use Articles “A,” “An,” “The” in English

How to Use Articles “A,” “An,” “The” in English

Are you perplexed by the usage of articles in English grammar? Fear not! This article will elucidate the intricacies of employing “a,” “an,” and “the” with clarity and precision. Understanding articles is fundamental to mastering English grammar. Here’s a breakdown of their usage. Using “a/an” articles in English Use “a/an” when talking about jobs When referring to people’s professions, use a/an: He’s an architect. She’s a scientist. My grandmother was a teacher. Use “a/an” with singu

Meanings of the Verb “To Get”

Demystifying the Many Meanings of the Verb “To Get”

Oh, the humble-looking verb “get.” It’s short, sweet, and seemingly straightforward. But hold on, hold your horses, my friend, appearances are deceptive because “get” is an English chameleon, changing its meaning faster than you can say, “I got confused.” Don’t worry, though, because we’re about to untangle this grammatical enigma and equip you to wield “get” like a linguistic ninja. Let “get” to the basics First things first, “get“ can mean to acquire, receive, or obtain something. Simple, r

English Grammar Tips

English Grammar Tips: Comprehensive Guide to Master

How do you get better at grammar? Stick with us as we share some of English’s most confusing rules and elements.

Learn English grammar

How to Learn English Grammar Without Headache From All Those Rules

There is one strategy that doesn’t rely on any particular learning style, whether you’re learning grammar, spelling, or anything else.

Plural nouns

Simple Techniques to Form Plural Nouns

Asides from adding -s to nouns to convert them to the plural form, some nouns require -es instead. This brings us to types of nouns and how their plural forms are obtained.

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Explanation and Examples

The present perfect continuous is used to show that something started in the past and continues in the present.

Future Simple

Using the Simple Future Tense to Talk About the Future

The simple future tense is one of the most commonly used verb forms in English, and you should be familiar with it if you want to communicate effectively.

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