News & Updates
We keep you updated about LiveXP's new features and improvements. Keep watch and don't miss a piece of useful information.

Personalized Path to English Proficiency: Less Effort, Maximum Results
The time has come to announce a major update for English learners 🎉

Fast-Track Your Learning with LiveXP Mobile App’s Word Trainer
Ready to take your learning up a notch? Download the LiveXP mobile app today and start reaping the benefits of the Word Trainer.

Introducing The New AI Assistant for Tutors (Beta)
We’re excited to announce a beta version of our AI-powered assistant called “Co-pilot.” It aims to provide additional support to tutors during lessons. For now, Co-Pilot is available for English lessons only. But we have plans to extend its capabilities to support other languages. Key Features of Co-Pilot Co-pilot operates directly from the Lesson Notes. If you highlight a word or phrase and click “Co-pilot” in the menu that appears, Co-pilot can: * Usage examples: The feature generates us

New Feature Alert: Introducing Vocabulary
Ready to take your language learning journey to the next level? Try Vocabulary during your next lesson!

Enhance Your Study Experience with Lesson Notes
Do you want to write something down during the lesson? Or to remember what happened in the previous lesson? Need to write something down for clarity? You can do all that now with Lesson Notes.

Your Learning Progress at Your Fingertips
Reminding yourself where you’re at with your lessons and progress is extremely important for a successful learning journey. And now you can find all of your vital learning stats and info in one “Progress” dashboard.

You Can Now Cancel Lessons if You Really Have to
Lesson cancelation is only for highly unexpected circumstances.

Manage Your Workload With “Busy Mode”
Busy mode is a setting that allows you to hide your tutor card so new students do not book lessons with you.