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David J K Carr

David J K Carr

I'm a British native and worked as a lawyer in London for 30 years. I'm also a TEFL-certified English teacher and have been teaching students all over the world for 3 years.

What is the Difference Between “On Time” and “In Time”?

What is the Difference Between “On Time” and “In Time”?

When should they use “on time” and when should they use “in time” and what is the difference? The difference in spelling and pronunciation is minor but they are used very differently.

David J K Carr
David J K Carr
What Portmanteau Words are and How They Grow the English Lexicon

What Portmanteau Words are and How They Grow the English Lexicon

The word “portmanteau” means a word that is made up from parts of two or more words that are mixed together to make a new word or term.

David J K Carr
David J K Carr
What are Acronyms and How Did They Appear in Our Vocabulary?

What are Acronyms and How Did They Appear in Our Vocabulary?

Acronym is a form of abbreviation that is used for convenience and it allows us to use one word instead of repeating the entire phrase.

David J K Carr
David J K Carr