One English letter can stand for one or even up to five or more sounds. Wow! Sounds complex, right? Don’t worry!
The German language and compound words are inseparable. It gives the speaker a unique chance to transform any of his observations from a complex idea into one simple word.
The Japanese names for the days of the week originate from the ancient Chinese seven luminaries system (七曜).
Many important everyday sentences in Romance languages (descendants of Vulgar Latin), such as French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, can only be structured in the passive voice and NEVER occur in the active voice when translated into English. This difference occurs because English doesn’t use reflexive or active constructions to describe actions that impact a person indirectly as much as Latin languages. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there are not any established rules to preview when a s
Blended words, or portmanteau words, combine elements of two existing words—usually their sounds and meanings—to form a new word.
Keep in mind that it may take you about a week to study and understand a text of around 150 to 200 words. This isn’t a strict rule; progress depends on your dedication and effort. Some people can learn quickly, while others take more time.
Simplified Chinese was created in the mid-20th century to make learning easier by reducing strokes and standardizing characters to improve literacy.