Shaimaa -
Bachelor in English language and literature. Certified TESOL teacher
Was online last yearTeachesArabicEnglishSpeaksArabic, EnglishSpecialtiesTalk with peopleLearn basicsImprove proficiencyInterests
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My name is Shaima . I am 50 years old . I am Egyptian living in Germany. I was taught in an English school by British teachers . I can teach only the basis of the Arabic language . As for English , I can go with you as far as you want
I have obtained the bechlor degree in English language and literature from Alexandria university. Also , I am a certified TESOL teacher. In addition to having a work experience of 21 years .
I have worked in an English school , where English was taught
Usually my lesson will include the four main skills of the language. Reading, listening, speaking and writing .Witj the usage of these four skills the lesson can be based on grammar , vocabulary, literature,idioms….etc .
Also , the lesson can be easily planned to match your needs and interests .