Words ending in "ough" and pronunciation of words
Lets start a chat on the various words using "ough" and maybe someone can explain why the sounding is different Dough as in doe Trough as in plow
9 answers from our tutors
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dough = oh sound through = ooh sound cough = off sound bought = aw sound plough = ow sound rough = uff sound
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
though, cough, rough
- Though, Although = "ough" is a LONG 'O' sound/say the letter: O (thO, all-thO) - Tough, rough = 'uff' sound (tuff, ruff) - Through (I drove through the tunnel) = This is a long U/'oo' sound (throo) - cough = 'off' sound (coff)
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Start testThough, trough, through, tough, dough
- SamanthaCertified and friendly ESL teacher with 1year formal teaching experience ready to help you learn.
Enough - f sound and Cough - off sound
The dreaded "ough" sound, that and the "th" are the most difficult sounds for ENglish learners.
Due to many changes in the english language through time, OUGH became one of the most confusing spellings in English. Because of changes in the spelling of English vowels over time, and English's penchant for borrowing words from other languages, we've ended up with this hot mess which can be pronounced in a number of different
plough. cough, thorough, there is no specific rule for the pronunciation
Rough, tough, through, dough… I came to the sad conclusion that there is no particular rule for this. Lookin forward to read more comments on this.