Will you say your perspective on life has changed post covid-19?

Post covid I've had so many moments when I'd go into deep thoughts about my life and how I can better myself in many areas. I've learnt to appreciate life much more than I did before. I try to eat healthier although at times those hot wings and ribs are irresistible, so I give into those cravings and promise myself I'll be back only in 3months, but we know for some of us that's a challenge. (humour) I find myself in meditation more. This has helped me a lot in remaining calm especially when arguments and misunderstandings arise. Being part of someone else's success story is also what I enjoy. So, where I can help, I will do it with a pure heart expecting nothing in return as I believe what you put out there you will get back. I also have learnt to appreciate and respect people more because life is uncertain, and one never knows when the last moment be. Yes, of cos these are not things I've mastered but I do hope to keep practicing until I become perfect.

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BrianCountry flag: us
ESL Tutor.

I think it has been a trying time for everyone when covid hit. I was out of work for a couple of months and eventually got called back when things started to open up again. But I do think new ways to keep in touch and job opportunities from a work from home stand-point, definitely has been a blessing to many during these trying times.

  • I think I'm now thinking life is so unpredictable, many people left the world who were healthy enough to live long , I think we should respect and care for everyone who are still with us .

  • Honestly, I was blessed throughout Covid, but since Covid "ended" I made changes that were not good, and one cannot help but look around the world today and see the suffering increasing. It is the handful who see the glass half full, and it their small way like you that makes a difference. Keep going because your words are also words of encouragement for many of us who read this, thank you

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  • If anything I have become more cynical, especially with our ruling class. Too many things happened to restrict many people's fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of movement as well as a loss of ownership of what makes everyone unique. What we saw was wide spread hypocrisy from our ruling elites from the cheese and wine party in the garden of No.10 Downing Street and corruption in South Africa, to the staggering amounts of commissions allegedly paid to Dr Faucci et al for their efforts to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory in the USA. While I am not a conspiracy theorist, my trust of the political class has been severely eroded. Now whenever I hear a politician say that measures are put in place, I immediately question their motives.

  • Perspective of my life certainly has changed post covid. I am now more open minded and more adventurous. It also made me appreciate what I have and be grateful for a stable income. It has also taught me that not everyone cares about you, so I've learnt to worry about those who care and worry about me.

  • A lot of things are different now, the worst it's the inflation. But it still saddens me that we lost a lot of innocent lives, it will never be the same and it is still hard to adjust from it.

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