Will the world need teachers in the presence of AI and robots?

How can we secure our position and relevance to the world with the technological advancements being what they are?

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AI can have accesses to infinite knowledge, but unless singularity occurs, it can never replicate human empathy and social adaptability. Which are both needed for a great teaching experience. It’s why many language learners use apps with AI, but it falls short in human connection and they seek us the online tutors! We secure our position by simply being human and having students in need of that very human interaction!

  • students need humanity in their teachers, AI will never replace that.

  • Most definitely. Although AI has access to knowledge, teachers still have the means to understand, debate, teach and care as AI lacks in compassion, sympathy, empathy and is not a consiouness.

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  • I would say yes, because teachers can express empathy and true care for their students that will not come across as fabricated. A big part of being a teacher is to be able to express emotion when teaching.

  • The problem with AI is when you give it a problem to solve you must have the knowledge to check the answer! You cannot accept the answer as correct! ChatGPT as an example gives you different answers to the same question sometimes depending on what the question is. Due diligence must be applied. If you do not know that 1+1=2 there is absolutely no point in asking ChatGPT because you cannot check the answer. AI will never replace the human brain, never!

  • Yes of course :) AI cannot correct the pronunciation and accent. Also, sometimes AI is not that accurate and cannot establish rapport to the client

  • I just read an article on the very subject here and and they provide reason why AI and GPTChat will never be able to replace teachers

  • That's a very good question that some students are asking as well. I also think the world will always need human beings to do everything, not only AI and robots. If not, there wouldn't be any jobs to begin with.

  • Change is inevitable, the rapid advancement of technology made teachers to be more flexible, competent, and relevant due to the demand for quality education. I totally disagree with not nurturing our co-teachers when in fact they build a nation and horizon towards holistic growth. The passion and dedication that the teacher put into her instruction will never be beaten by any Ai. Instead, we must learn how to collaborate with the advancement and add it up from traditional teaching.

  • Brian
    BrianCountry flag: us
    ESL Tutor.

    Always! Sure you can learn from AI, but humans created it. AI I believe is not a motivater to learn. Instead I believe real human emotions help people learn.

  • We can secure our position and relevance to the world by understanding artificial intelligence and robots. Get some type of certification that qualifies you to work with and effectively use this technology. When computers started to become ubiquitous people began to realize that an employee who understands and can operate and troubleshoot was very valuable and in demand.

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