Why English is international language?

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Because the British had flags. Look up Eddie Izzard and flags on YouTube

  • In my humble opinion, the English languages, not a typing mistake, I use the plural because, English language, had many, similar but different slangs. Not mentioning the historical reasons, UK was an empire with many colonies, also, it's a, quite easily learned language, especially the common spoken English. The grammar is not so strict because, as the language of creative people and inventors, it's evolved in a "conceptual" kind of language, more then a litteral language, like the latin languages, plus, due to the conquest of the American lands, the US English, become a Blair or many different languages, with a simple grammar and, hundreds or accents, if not thousands

  • It is a universal language that is used as a means of communication across different cultures,religions and nations.

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  • English became an international language due to its widespread use by the British Empire and its practicality in diverse fields like business, technology, and entertainment. This widespread adoption has helped connect people from different countries and cultures, making it a friendly choice for global communication. :)

  • I think it will be a mix of things. Historic influence of the British empire will be one mixed with the industrial revolution. Computing started in the UK and developed massively in the USA. The economic power and influence of the USA made a bigger difference than anything.

  • Because of many reasons:) Lots of people speak English, many international businesses express themselves in English, USA and UK are leaders on the international market.

  • English is the most understandable and easy language among many other famous languages. Historically, English is the language of literature which had been developed with the passage of time.We can find a wide variety of knowledge in this language. Wonderful discoveries has been explored internationally in English.

  • This language was able to occupy its leading position ,during the colonization of the US,India,Australia etc. As an international language,English became a bridge between countries and continents

  • I would say that even though it is considered a foreign language to many countries, it is the easiest to learn, is very expressive. The language also dates back to British colonization in the various countries

  • It goes back to the British Empire (17th & 18th centuries) which traded with colonised countries using English as a base language.

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