Which of the prepositions should I use? Walk on/in/along the street

Is it walk on the street, walk in the street or walk along the street? I'm confused with these prepostions. Please, help me.

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PhakamaCountry flag: za

Depending on what information you want to share you can either say: Walk in the street (this is used in general when the name of the street is not specified meaning it can be any street.) or Walk on the street (on is used when referring to a specific street, the street is named. e.g I was walking on Wall Street when I saw him) or Walk along the street (similar to 'walk on the street' you would use along to say I was walking along Wall Street when I saw him. But it can be used for both specified and unspecified streets. So you can also say I was walking along the street when I saw him, when the street is not specified. I hope that helps you understand better, Ewan.

  • Along fits better usually, in or on also can work depending on context. Along implies walking the length. On in relation to a specific street. In is more generic.

  • If you walk down along the street you mean the pavement unlike on or in the street

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  • All three prepositions are fine depending on what you are trying to say. For example. 1. I like to walk in the street when it is late at night and no cars are on the road. 2. I often walk on the street with my dog. 3. My boyfriend and I were walking along the street when we saw a car accident.

  • This depends exactly where you are walking-walking along the street can be next to the street- I am walking on the sidewalk along the street. Here are some examples for using In and On the street - I use to live on that street. The cafe is on the next street. We will be dancing in the street all night for Carnival. Do you see the differences now?

  • Hi Ewan! how about we discuss this bit by bit? okay... On - preposition which means you are physically in contact or supported by a surface. In - preposition which means you are inside something. Along - means that you are moving in a constant direction with something. Now, basing on the definitions above you can see that you are not inside the street since it's physically impossible lol. Therefore, you are physically in contact or you are supported by the surface of the street (on the street). However, in American English they also use the phrase "walk along the street" for it is accepted as a slang since you are walking to a direction wherever the street is taking you...

  • First two sound correct as they are used commonly in informal language, but to use it in formal or writing essays or some serious school stuff, "Across" is preferred than the "on, in" the street. If its a choice between the three words you're asked to choose, you should prefer walking on the street in your sentence. You can further know all about prepositions in one hour lesson with me, so don't wait to schedule up right away!

  • Don't walk on, in or along the street - you may get squished by a truck! You can walk ACROSS the street to get to the other side - be sure to look both ways first! However, you should walk ALONG or ON the pavement/footpath/sidewalk but watch out for kids on bikes and idiots on motorised scooters.

  • You should always walk on the sunshine :D youtube.com/watch?v=qK5KhQG06xU

  • Don't walk in the street. Walk on the sidewalk. Drive with the other cars along the right side of the street if you are not in a hurry. Ewan, let's have conversation classes or preposition exercises so this will soon come naturally to you.

  • Hi Ewan, "walk on the street"- is to walk directly on the street rather then on the sidewalk or grassy/dirt area. "walk in the street"- would be to walk in the actual area which most commonly cars drive through. Most parents usually warn children or others to not walk in the street, because of cars. "walk along the street"- refers more to the fact that the person is on the side of the street walking. Most of theses can be used exactly with same meaning depending on how you are directing the sentence and or phrase. Hope this helps!:)

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