Which books do you prefer? Mindset for IELTS or the Complete IELTS series?
3 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Neither. Why? Because the secret to a high IELTS band score is to have a wide vocabulary and lexical resource. To do that is to speak, write, listen and read as much as you can. If you couple these four things with the help of an IELTS preparation tutor, your time will be better spent than if you were to read about what to do. You learn by DOING, not by reading a book, especially a text book. Remember, English is a dynamic living language, not a subject like Geography.
Both books are designed to help you prepare for the IELTS test, but they have some differences in their approach, content and online features.
they both are good but Mindset book gives you more opportunity to speak than complete book
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