What's the difference between the words “remember” and “remind”?

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To remember means to bring into your awareness that you forgot something and thus you have to recall it whereas to remind means to bring into your attention that you need to accomplish something so that you won't forget it.

  • Hi, Remember is used for future reference. E.g. remember me to buy the coffee. Remind for past one. E.g, that song riminds me of her ... Best regards

  • "Remember" involves recalling information in your memory. "Remind" is about prompting or helping someone remember something. In essence, "remember" relates to personal recollection, while "remind" pertains to the action of helping or prompting someone else to remember something.

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  • If we remember someone or something, we keep that person or thing in our mind or we bring that person or thing back to our mind. If a person or thing reminds you of someone or something, they make you think of that person or thing, or they resemble that person or thing.

  • In the context of time. Available and Free mean the same. Ex. Are you free tonight? (Informal) or Are you available tonight? (Formal)

  • You remind a person of something to help them remember.

  • To remember is to know something from the past. To remind is to bring clarity to what once was.

  • "Remember" means "to recall", to bring something or someone back to the mind OR to keep in the mind. Example: He remembers his mother whenever he meets her.//// I will always remember you. "To remind" is to make someone think of/about something, sometimes, in order not to forget. Example: Please remind about tomorrow's appointment. /// He reminds me of my grandfather.

  • Remember means that you have something to keep in your mind not to forget it, you do it yourself Remind- when someone says you about something or somebody to keep in your mind.

  • remember- to know smth from the past and your mind sticks it in for a longer time remind- smth has reminded u of situation in the past

  • When you remember something the act happens automatically . Ex: I remembered the day I got my first job. Or when someone insist on you to do something or gives you an advice Ex: Remember to keep calm whatever happens. To remind, this action happens when someone else, or something makes you remember. Ex: I was about to leave school, when my classmate reminds me of the homework. * This place reminds me of my dear sister.

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