What’s the difference between a glottal stop and a bus stop?

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when two words have stop in them doesn't nesseserly mean that they are the same glottal is something that we hear in the Arabic language a lot and a bus stop is where buses stop! repeating words in English is the key to learning them faster

  • a "Glottal stop" Simply put: It's the sound made by rapidly closing and releasing the vocal folds while breathing out, like the middle pause when we say “uh-oh.”. while" Bus stop" place where a bus regularly stops, usually marked by a sign.

  • Glottal stop is a sound produced by closing the vocal cords and opening them quickly so the air from the lungs is release by force. Bus stop is simply where people get off and get on in a bus.

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  • Glottal stop is a consonant formed by the audible release of the airstream after complete closure of the glottis. It is widespread in some non-standard English accents and in some other languages like Arabic, it is a standard consonant whereas bus stop is a place where a bus regularly stops, usually marked by a sign.

  • glottal stop: its a consonantal sound used in many spoken languages produced in the vocal tract. bus stop: simply the bus stop, a place from where the passengers catch the bus to reach their destination.

  • A bus stop is a point on roads where a bus would stop to allow passengers to board or alight. A glottal stop is with regards to the anatomy, a consonantal sound used in spoken languages.

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