what’re the most asked questions in the ielts exam?

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The specific questions in the IELTS exams can vary however, there are some common types of questions that often appear across the different sections of the test. *General introductory questions (about yourself/work/studies/hobbies) *Multiple choice question *True/False *Describing graphs or charts *Letter writing *Labeling maps or plans *Expressing opinions and discussing ideas

  • There are four sections to the exam: LISTENING (4 parts, 40 questions, for 30 minutes) - Part 1 and 2 deal with everyday, social situations. Part 3 and 4 deals with educational and training situations. READING (2 tasks, 40 questions, for 60 minutes) -Text come from magazines, articles, journals, books, newspapers and other online sources. WRITING (2 tasks, for 60 minutes) - Task 1, You have to describe some visual information in your own words in at least 150 words. Task 2, you will be given a point of view, argument or a problem which you need to discuss in at least 250 words. SPEAKING (4 parts, 10 questions each) -Face to face interview between candidate and examiner. The examiner will check for accuracy, grammar range, pronunciation, fluency and coherence, and lexical resource. Types of questions in the exam include: -Multiple choice -True/False/Not given - Yes/No/Not given -Matching information -sentence/ diagram label completion -Discus

  • Introduction and Interview. Discussion Questions. Speaking Questions. Interests. Hobbies. Future aspirations.

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  • Topics like what you like or prefer or why you like something. The most common topics are freetime activities, weather, and your home.

  • Who can take this test? Eligibility criteria? Countries / universities accepting IELTS? Valid for? etc.

  • https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-speaking-part-1-topics/

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