What is your perfect English lesson (lesson of your dream)?

Try to imagine what kind of students, activities would you like to implement into the most perfect lesson you could ever have.

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10 answers from our tutors

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According to me, the best lesson activities are based on the preference of the student. For instance, I remember a lesson where the students were given spoons and a plastic bottle and they were asked to create a product out of it and to introduce it to their peers. Which I think was a perfect class.

  • Creative activities, singing and many more exciting activities

  • According to me, the most ettrcetive and learning activities and interesting elements

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  • The perfect lesson is when my students are never bored. There are no specific ways for the perfect lesson, but there are interested activities that can make your lesson an outstanding one and help you delivering the objective in a very fun way.

  • A great lesson activity should be about what the student enjoy doing. A lesson that allows the students to express themselves without restrictions...that is called a great lesson.

  • A great lesson could consist of conversing on passions, desires, hobbies, music, etc. A perfect lesson can be simply having a great one to one conversation.. a conversation that’s so good that you forget it’s even a lesson. That’s a great English Lesson for you hahaha!

  • Perfect English lesson or lesson of my dream would be when I meet all the essential parts of my lesson & the targetted result i.e satisfaction of my students is achieved.

  • I would choose teaching again. It is the best career that allows you to inspire people and to help them achieve their dreams.

  • As a teacher, I think a perfect English lesson requires a teacher and a student who are both interactive and active in the class. The teacher has implemented the needs of the students in designing his creative lessons which are engaging and inspiring. The teacher has less talking time while the learner has the most chance to speak and be corrected by the teacher. Not only the student learns e language but also has the opportunity to learn communicative skills and cultural knowledge of the targeted language.

  • The perfect English lesson is having 2 concepts brought to the class. From those 2 the student is able to identify 2 other concepts. When they leave the class they are able to create links between rules as well as categorize exceptions well enough to identify them more readily or at least try to identify them.

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