What is your most favourite thing about learning a new language?

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5 answers from our tutors

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The following are my favourite things about learning a new language:- - Cultural insight. - Communication and connection. - Travel and exploration. - Personal growth. - Professional opportunities.

  • I believed you refers to believing specific information or statements, while I believed in you expresses faith and support in someone's overall abilities, character, or potential.

  • Being able to communicate with people who use that language and being able to read articles written in the said language

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  • Being able to see and realize how adaptable I am becoming. Learning a new language could be a challenge, but it is important to remind oneself the reason why you are doing it. At the end of the day, you gain something from it.

  • Learning new language makes you versatile and in relation to that it gives you the platform to have an effective communication with distinct sets of people around the world .

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