What is your main purpose for using the English language?

5 answers from our tutors

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The reason can be different for each individual but it's mostly because english is considered a universal language. you can communicate with the rest of the world using this language.

  • Hello , I’m Nour , well as a medical student I want to practice more English outside the faculty for my best since we study in French .If u wanna join my lessons feel free to text me and book your lesson .

  • English is the main language for communication around the world. Most of the instructions for tourists are in English. If you want to delve more in AI or the Internet, all the instructions are in English. To study Science you need a good knowledge in English. Although, in Malaysia the Education is focusing on the National Language, most people are fluent in English especially from the urban areas. We use English as a daily means of communication. The National Language (Malay) is used to communicate with workers from the construction sectors, farmers and domestic workers and Government staff.

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  • In my country Canada, it is almost mandatory. French while being the second language is great (currently in the middle of learning it) but English is still the most spoken language, atleast in the areas I live in

  • The purpose of using the English language varies from person to person but English is the primary language of the internet. Proficiency in English learning, writing and understanding is crucial for academic success, English is the language of science, aviation, business, computing and tourism. According to a report from statistics &data English is the most spoken language in the world.

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