What is your favorite thing about learning languages? What brings you joy?

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  • Becoming the best version of yourself each day. Beside that, meeting people around the world and learning about our differences and our cultures.

  • whenever I make a statement and I am corrected, I feel I am making progress as time goes by. with this, I make my students feel free to learn at their own pace without pressuring them to learn all at a go. When an effort is made to learn, it puts a smile on my face.

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  • What brings me joy is bringing out the best results foe my students...learning new language is fun because i will be able to communicate with my students

  • What brings me joy is extending my knowledge and furthering my understanding of different languages as I have a sense of achievement of being able to interact with those abroad on a more cultural level 😊

  • Learning a new language is interesting. It brings joy when we are able to communicate to someone from another country or when we visit another country. It will help us in many ways to navigate. We can share our culture, our food and habits through language as well.

  • How I am able to navigate a conversation with ease, it gets me excited. Also, the fact that my knowledge of a certain language breaks barriers between me and them. I mean I will get to know what ever I need to at that time. No hustle whatsoever 😊

  • Language learning is fun for me. I've had joy speaking German with my niece who is also learning it; her husband has gained fluency in it and my great nephew will speak it when he's older. It is nice to share this language experience with them.

  • Being able to communicate with other people. In short, overcoming the language barrier.

  • I like participating in self development and I am good at learning languages. So, it makes me happy to learn something that I usually find easy to do. On the other hand, I continue to uncover new things and I feel happy knowing that there is still something to learn. 😊I is always interesting

  • Understanding different movies and sharing ideas with people around the world brings me joy and happiness.

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