What is the present simple? Can you give examples? Thank you

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Present simple is used to talk about general things, the things that are always true or daily routines. For example: I wake up at 7 every morning. ( daily routine) Dogs are kind animals. ( general) Water boils at 100 degrees. ( always true)

  • PRESENT SIMPLE is using a “VERB”and a VERB is an action word e.g jumping,clapping e.t.c are examples of verbs to describe something we do every day or every week or every month for example; I go to school everyday, I brush my teeth every morning, I go to church every Sunday.😊

  • I use present simple to talk about things we do regularly: Ex: I go to the gym every Saturday. Habits: Ex: He smokes a lot in the morning. Facts: Ex: it snows in winter. Posessions: Ex: I have a car. I add s to the verb when it's followed by he, she or it. I eat - She eats. We speak-He speaks. You drink - It drinks.

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  • Simple present tenses is about something is going on in current situation. We add s/es with verb in singular noun such as he,she, it. Example: He goes to school. (Here we add es with the. We do not add s/es with verb if noun is plural such as i, we, they, you Example: they go to school. (No additional suffixes)

  • It can be used for daily routines or about general things. For example I go to school every day or I brush my teeth every morning and night.

  • The present simple is used to make simple statements of fact. To talk about things that happen repeatedly, And to describe things that are always true. Example: You eat lunch at noon every day.

  • We use Present Simple for Daily routines or something usual. Ex:I go to school at 8am everyday.

  • The present simple is when to talk about routine life, general facts and truths, habits and also timetable or scheduled things like train or bus timetables Ex: 1.I drive to work everyday. 2. The sun shines a lot in summer in this city. 3. I always drink coffee when I get up. 4. The train leaves at 5:30 For third person pronouns like He, She, It we add -s or -es to the verbs however for the pther subject pronouns we do not add anything We form the questions with "do" for "I, you, we, they" and "does" for "he, she, it"

  • Present simple describes a verb that happen continually in the present. The sun moves around the earth. (universal truth) I like banana. (general)

  • Present simple is like the steady beat of a heart in English sentences. It's for routines and facts.

  • Present simple is like the steady beat of a heart in English sentences. It's for routines and facts. Example: "I eat breakfast daily." "Cats love boxes." Keep it simple, keep it real! 🕺🐱

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