What is the most challenging part of learning a language? How did you overcome those challenges?
This question is for tutors who speak multiple languages and have mastered more than one language.
13 answers from our tutors
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Challenging parts are lack of practice ,fear of speaking with others,expecting it to be easy and loss of motivation
Not being consistent and not trying,i speak 3 langues and it's a constant effort to change up thinking and talking in each to keep them alive and active
I had difficulties in pronouncing the words correctly , I kept trying until I had a mastery of it so no matter how rough it looks at the start,don’t give up but keep trying .
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Start testI guess, it's the pronunciation that took me always by my locks. Until I'd learnt IPA chart, it kept me haunting always. But I practised more harder with the times & it became my friend. There's no short cut to success & practice makes you strong even if not perfect.
the most challenging part of learning a language and could be a dilemma to some students is the language's grammar because of the difference in rules from the grammar of english
- Teacher TerryESL Teacher
It really on who is teaching you and where you are learning from. I think the challenges would be the vocabulary, grammar, spelling of the words and conversations, that is for beginners. As you keep practicing and attending lessons, you become proficient in the language. After all, practice makes perfect.
Linking the vocabulary of an unknown language to a known one is the first step in learning a new language.Mastering the rules of grammar to form correct sentences is the second step as in every new language there is bound to be a rule related to number,gender,subject verb agreement etc.The next is to grasp the accent and adjust your tongue accordingly and then go ahead practising it with others who know it and get their advice
I've been trying to master a second language for 5 years now called Haitian Creole. I think the hardest part of learning a new language is conversing with someone in that language.
It depends on where you learn the language. If you learn it in the country where it is spoken, you should try to communicate with native speakers as much as possible. This may be a great challenge in the beginning, but the more you engage yourself in listening and responding to native speakers, the faster you make progress. On the other hand, if you learn the language as a foreign language in your own country, you should set up a learning system that best suits you. This may be challenging as we all approach language learning in different ways. However, it is important that you have someone to guide you through learning, especially if you are interested in how grammar structures are constructed. No matter where you learn the language, the most challenging part is immersing yourself in it.
i reckon the most challenging aspect of teaching English is enabling students to use the grammar they learn in their everyday life conversations To tackle this problem, I keep asking them to writing stories using the grammar points as well as providing situations where they are mandated to use the grammar. another viable thing I do to fix the problem is to ask them read passages and extract the grammar points they have learned.
The most challenging part would definitely be grasping the language to such an extent where you are able to understand each word that is being said without any misinterpretations. I normally do a lot of exercises to help build confidence as well as motivate you , and encourage you to do the best you can and to make sure that everything that has been said and done is all clear and understandable.💯