What is the longest time waited for first student?

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7 answers from our tutors

Best answer

Hi Soraya, I was fortunate to activate my LiveXP account and the following day I had 2 students booked. One had booked a trial lesson and the other had booked 5 lessons. "If at first we don't succeed, try and try again" Have a look at your profile and ensure you are using attractive language that targets a broad field of students ranging from abilities that you can cater for. "Cast your net brave and far" Wish you all the best.

  • I joined this morning. Currently waiting on my first student to enroll with me. However, from most of the comments on this board the wait can be as long as 4 months.

  • I could not tell. Today is my first day as a Tutor on this platform. How long it took for some of you as tutors?

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  • Its been a month and not booked yet.

  • I got my first student within a week on the platform, this was before I understood how it all worked and I didn't interact here or write blogs. It grew with time but I still have peaks and troughs with the number of classes. So much of your success on this platform is about your own engagement.

  • It's been a month and few days

  • The longest time waited for first student was a day.

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