What is the importance of eliciting prior knowledge?
8 answers from our tutors
Best answer
Elicitation prior knowledge is important as it helps to activate existing mental framework, build connections and create a foundation for new learning. It allows learners to make meaningful association, engaging with new information more effectively and promotes a deep understanding of the subject matter.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
It is important because it connects the student's previous learning to his current learning.
- MelissaCertified ESL and TEFL
Assessing students' prior knowledge allows an instructor to focus and adapt their teaching plan. For students, it helps them to construct connections between old and new knowledge.
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Start testIt's great when a student is at a specific level, it may save you the time of teaching them the basics. But if your student is having trouble with prior knowledge like how to use "A, An and the" which is a common problem new student have then it's better to just go over it again to correct the foundations.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
"Schema" or prior knowledge is very important especially if we encounter new topic.
Prior knowledge helps to activate the learning that is held in the subconscious and helps to make conscious connections with new learning. This in turn helps to embed the learning and makes the foundations stronger.
More meaningful learning!
Prior knowledge help students construct connections between existing and new knowledge.