What is the fastest way to teach someone english from zero to 100?

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While there is no "Shortcut" to becoming fluent in English overnight, there are several stragegies you can employ to accelerate your learning progress... !. Immerse yourself in the language, movies, TV, Songs, Videos, Podcasts. 2. Practice regularly, Dedicate a specific time for your learning and stick to it. No matter what. 3. Set goals and reward your self when you reach them. 4. Use a variety of resources. Textbooks, online courses, language learning apps and language exchanges in your town. 5. Focus on relevant content! Articles, books, topics related to your sports or interests. 6. Practice with native speakers. It's invaluable, look for a language exchange or a teacher to help you with your speaking,. 7/ Learn vocabulary in context. Understand how the vocabulary is used in the sentences and work on connections between words to develop a deeper understanding of the language. 8. Take advantage of technology. Take advantage of on line learning, online platforms

  • The fastest way to teach someone English from Zero to 100, I will start with the basics, that is how to introduce themselves and greet others. Then from there progress to where they are from for example { I am from ........, He is from.... etc}. Then I will progress to possessive {my country, your name, his family} and so on. That is giving priority the language they will need to know first. I do not have to assume what my student might or might not know. I will assume they know nothing and then next teach countries and nationalities. Then go on to vocabulary and expressions eg How are you? Students need to be celebrated for small achievements, If on the first day they learn greetings I will end the lesson with Congratulations! You can introduce yourself and greet others in English. Keep things simple and make clear instructions. Do not use complicated words and terms. I will be patient and give lots of encouragement.

  • Hi! Teaching someone English from zero to 100 requires a systematic approach. 1. Immerse in an English-speaking environment 2. Start with the basics 3. Focus on Practical Vocabulary 4. Use multimedia resources 5. Practice regularly and set goals 6. Seek professional guidance Learning English is a gradual process, and individual learning styles and abilities may vary. Patience, perseverance, and a positive attitude are crucial for success.

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  • Donnie Starkey
    Donnie StarkeyCountry flag: us
    ESL teacher

    It’s like asking what is the fastest way to eat an elephant. One bite at a time. If you are in a hurry, we can start by looking at your goals, and make a plan from there. Maybe, you only need a pot roast quickly, then we can work on the rest and not cram. Everyone is different. Some people learn language faster than others. We just need to be dedicated and never give up!! Jaiyo!!!!

  • I would say beginning from the alphabet as the letters will help with the pronunciation of words.

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