What is the difference between Volcano and Mountain? Why are some volcanoes called Mt.__?

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This is a topic in geography. In simple terms, some volcanoes are a type of mountain that are different from other mountains. They are formed by eruptive products such as lava. Whereas other mountains(normal mountains) are formed by folding and crumbling, erosion.

  • Simply put, the volcano is a mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava (very hot liquid rock) is sometimes forced out. Other mountains aren't like that. Active volcano (one that may explode at any time) Dormant volcano (one that is not active at the moment) Extinct volcano ( one that is no longer active at all) E.g. Mt. Fuji is an active volcano. Or we can say it's a volcanic mountain.

  • Volcanoes are mountains but they are very different from other mountains; they are not formed by folding and crumpling or by uplift and erosion.

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  • This is a topic in geography. In simple terms, some volcanoes are a type of mountain that are different from other mountains. They are formed by eruptive products such as lava. Whereas other mountains(normal mountains) are formed by folding and crumbling, erosion.

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