What is the difference between primary and secondary stress?

3 answers from our tutors

  • Primary Stress: This is the strongest emphasis within a word. It is marked with a vertical line before the stressed syllable. Example: "be|gin" (The primary stress is on the first syllable, "be.") Secondary Stress: This is a weaker emphasis than the primary stress, but stronger than unstressed syllables. It is marked with a low, horizontal line before the stressed syllable. Example: "ap|pre|ci|ate" (The primary stress is on the second syllable, "pre," and the secondary stress is on the fourth syllable, "ci.")

  • Primary stress is the syllable with the most emphasis in a word. Secondary stress means the syllable also has emphasis but not as strongly as the syllable with primary stress.

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  • Primary stress is the syllable with the most emphasis. Secondary stress is the syllable also has emphasis but not strong that much

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