what is the difference between prese tense and future tense and give 2 examples of each?

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  • Present tense is something that we are doing now, for example, "I am eating". Future tense is something that is going happen, for example, " I am going to the shop later".

  • In present tense we just talk about the things which are going on. Like 1- I'm writing this sentence. 2- I'm answering you. Future tense In future tense we talk about the things which we will come across in the future. Like 1- I will write a letter. 2- I will answer you.

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  • Past Tense; She was talking to her friends. ; Present Tense; I walk to school. ; Present Tense; I am walking to school. ; Future Tense; I will go tomorrow. Present Tense - it is happening right now: I play outside. More Here on Present Tense ... Past Tense - it already happened: Yesterday, I played outside. More Here on Past T... Future Tense - it has yet to happen: Tomorrow I will play outside. More Here on Future ...

  • Present tense shows an action that is happening at the moment, that happens often or as a habit or generally exists. These sentences are in the simple present tense. For example: 1. She eats lunch at the restaurant. 2. I am nineteen years old. 3. Planes fly in the sky. Future tense is something that has not happen or exist yet. These sentences are in the simple future tense For example: 1. I will go to the park tomorrow. 2. I will be happy after I get married.

  • Present tense - happening now. F.e. I see you. Future tense - will happen future. I will meet her tomorrow.

  • Well, both the tenses are telling when the action takes place, so: Present = Today Ex ( I clean.) or ( I am cleaning.) Future = Tomorrow Ex ( I shall clean.) or ( I shall be cleaning.)

  • Present tense = actions that happening now. Also, for general truth (e.g. Sun is the center of the universe) Past tense = actions in the past

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