What is the difference between “new” and “knew” ?

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NEW --is an adjective that refers to something discovered created or acquired eg I bought a new car. KNEW-- this is past tense of a verb Means that you had knowledge or understanding of something at some point In essence new describes something fresh and recent and knew indicates knowledge or awareness of the past.

  • Knew is the past tense of know. Or to already "know" something. For example: I knew you would come. Whereas new mean is the opposite of old or inexperienced for example: a new student.

  • The words "new" and "knew" are homophones, which means that they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. "New" describes something that is made, found, or shown recently. It is not old or familiar. Example: "I got a new book today." "Knew" is the past tense of the word "know." It means that someone was familiar with it previously. Example: "I knew her from school."

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  • Knew" (verb): It is the past tense of the verb "know." It refers to having information or being aware of something in the past. Example: "I knew the answer to the question." "New" (adjective): It describes something that is recent, recently created, or not previously known or seen. Example: "She bought a new car."

  • New: is an adjective. Knew: is the simple past tense of the verb "to know".

  • In summary, 'new' is an adjective: It's a new book. 'Knew' is a past simple tense verb: I knew that very well.

  • New: It is used for things which came in sight recently. Knew: It refers to something which is/was known to anybody.

  • Nericia Robinson
    Nericia RobinsonCountry flag: jm

    New is start beginning fresh Knew is knowledge of

  • Firstly both words are what we call homophonenes.They carry the same sound but have different spelling and different meaning. New is an adjective that is used to describe anything that is just made.(eg)I just saw the new movie.Meanwhile 'knew' is the past participle of know which means to be knowledgeable of something.(eg)I knew the answer to the question.

  • NEW is an adjective (gives more information about a noun) that describes the novelty of something. Other synonyms include fresh, freshly made, unused, current etc. Example: He just bought a new car. KNEW is the past tense of the verb "know" Example: I knew you would find it.

  • new is an adjective. Knew is a verb, which is a past tense of know

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