What is the difference between Ms and Miss? When and how can it be used?

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-Mrs. before a name signifies that the woman is definitely married, whether she took on her husband's last name or not. -Ms. stands for mystery and leaves room for interpretation when you are uncertain about a woman's marital status. In professional settings it's preferred to use Ms regardless of the information you have. You wouldn't want to offend a lady by guessing whether she's single or married, perhaps she could be divorced. -Miss is used for younger, rather teenage girls/women out of respect, which indicates a young age, as well as, that she has never been married before and it is rather apparent. *In emails, for sophistication reasons I like to use Madame. Same function as Ms. but very elevated and polite. In spoken language it may seem a bit standoffish and humoring, however, usually not in written form.

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