What is one single strategy that helped you immensely in your language learning journey?

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14 answers from our tutors

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"I can do" & "do not give up" attitudes and living in the environment while I learn Chinese.

  • I've also heard my Hindi tutor say ti me once "its not difficult, it's just different" and I repeat that to myself whenever learning the language feels difficult

  • I learned to speak Spanish fluently by emmersing myself into the culture living in Colombia for 4 years !

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  • Perseverance.

  • being consistent with learning. and making the journey enjoyable, by using fun ways like watching movies and listening to music in the target language Surround yourself with the language: write a diary (at first it will be primitive things, but later it will be good meaningful texts), watch your favourite movies, communicate with foreigners

  • When I was at a stage "Mostly understand, but can't speak" one idea came to my mind. I started watching my favourite series with subtitles and I practiced speaking after the actors. It helped me a lot with my pronunciation, sentence structure and I learnt many useful phrases that could be used in everyday conversations. It gave me the confidence I needed back then and it boosted my vocabulary

  • Listening practice. Even if I didn't understand what I heard, I kept listening. I repeated audios multiple times until I started making sense of the sounds. And it's a strategy I employ with my students now, which helps tremendously

  • I had the "i can do it attitude" and that alone made me to push forward and consistent with my learning.

  • I keep telling myself every day that I don't know everything and I have to keep learning every single day, even from students, that keeps me hungry to improve myself and keep my feet on the ground.

  • being consistent with learning. and making the journey enjoyable, by using fun ways like watching movies and listening to music in the target language

  • Do it with a friend. I started learning Italian in preparation for our family visit next January, and so my mom and I have been using Duolingo to learn a few phrases. The element of competition is definitely motivating, and the occasional friend quests challenge us and keep learning fun.

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