What is more important when teaching?

Fluency or pronunciation

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Patience, actually =)) At the same time, trying to get rid of old habits like wrong pronunciation is extremely hard... So, I choose pronunciation.

  • Fluency most importantly. Which doesn’t mean speaking non stop without breaks. Which means speaking within the ambit of perfect communication skills.

  • It’s most important your student is comfortable and enjoying your presence. It’s important that when you teach, you’re precise with your words, positive, and that you also give the student room to express themselves and there speech skills.

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  • I would go with fluency as well as communication skills.

  • Why someone learns a language??? Because that person wants to communicate for whatever reason. So we always start from ZERO. We begin from the alphabet of any language spoken on earth and, there is were we build a good strong foundation. Nativity comes from understanding the particularities ( and in some languages there are many) of every letter.

  • When teaching a language, both pronunciation and fluency are important. However, Fluency is more important because it allows people to communicate their ideas effectively and participate in conversation. If the student has good pronunciation but poor fluency, they will still struggle to be understood and participate in the conversation.

  • Making the student feel comfortable and relaxed! This way, they will feel confident enough to ask you any doubts they may have, as many times as they may need, hence making the most of their learning time ;) Of course, there are so many other factors to take into account, but in my opinion, everything starts from there ;)

  • I would think pronunciation is more important whilst teaching a student compared to fluency. It is important that the student knows how to pronounce the word correctly first and that makes fluency much easier!

  • I believe pronunciation is more important because no one can really be fluent without having good pronunciation, so it is a part of the process to be fluent actually. It is a tricky question though.

  • I believe without pronunciation there is No fluency, so pronunciation comes first

  • I think for beginners, pronunciation is more important. Fluency comes with time and is important when fluency is your goal.

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