what is meant by impeccable
9 answers from our tutors
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***What does "impeccable" mean?** impeccable = perfect and without any flaws/errors. Example: Aryan's presentation was impeccable. It was perfect :)
Simply put, Impeccable mean flawless
- Marina
Impeccable = perfect, for example: He has an impeccable taste. She speaks impeccable English. His manners are impeccable.
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Start testImpeccable means to be flawless.
- JennyCertified ESL Teacher who helps her student in Conversational English.
It means faultless, flawless or spotless :)
Meaning:"without mistakes or faults" Synonym:" perfect" Collocation:"impeccable manners/taste" Example 1:" Her written English is impeccable." Example 2:"He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt."
To be free from fault or blame.
It means 100% perfect, flawless
The word impeccable means "Flawless/Faultless". It is a combination of two words. "Im": It is a prefix which means "not". It can also be seen in impossible. Here the prefix "I'm" means not. The 2nd word is "peccable": It means "fault/flaw/sin". So the word impeccable means having no flaw or not having any fault.