what is a modal verbs? can you give an example? good luck !
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Modal verbs also known as auxiliary or helping verbs are used to express possibility, ability, permission and necessity. Examples include; can, could, may,might, should,shall, etc
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs used to express ability, possibility, permission, or necessity. Examples include "can," "could," "may," "might," "must," "shall," "should," and "will." For instance, in the sentence "She can swim," "can" indicates ability.
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that express necessity, possibility, permission or ability. They help to vonvey the mood or attitude of the speaker towards the action. Common modal verbs include : Can Could May Might Must Shall Should Will Would For example in a sentence "she can swim" the modal verbs "can" indicates the ability to swim.
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Start testIs an auxiliary verb that expresses necessity, words like should, will, must, can or might.
edit : what is a modal verb? can you give and example?