What is a good ratio of student/tutor " talk time" for young learners?

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Questioning and practice both can be beneficial.

  • In my opinion, it should be about 20:80 ratio. 20% for the tutor so the tutor could explain or say the topics of the lesson and the remaining 80% should be for the students in order for them to practise their english skills

  • There is no ratio per se. It always depends on the student that day and the topics which may be brought up. In my assessment, allowing the conversation to have a free-flowing course and a natural flow is the best. A good teacher will always encourage a student to listen and speak accordingly. Listening and how to listen is just as important as all other aspects of learning a language.

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  • In my opinion, There are two proper ratios for young learners' talk time. the first one is 70 - 30 ratio for students who are relatively fluent English speakers (70 student, 30 teacher). The second one is 60 - 40 ratio for students who need more engagement and push for talking (60 student, 40 teacher).

  • A great ratio is 5:5 and sometimes it’s also helpful to let the student do more talking so that they can express more of their speech.

  • Hi I think that quality is better than quantity, but practice is the best way to learn fast a language. Every day dedicate at least an hour talking and listening too. The more you practice, the more results you will achieve. Best Regards

  • The more the student speaks the more beneficial, as the best way to learn fast as I believe is the tutor to ask debatable questions and let the student to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

  • In most cases, a student should talk at least 80% of the time & a teacher/tutor should only speak 20% of the time.

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