What inspired you to become a teacher?

I'll go first. I came to my country of origin to visit a few years ago and stayed for a few months. During my stay, I started volunteering at this lovely little school in a rural area. In my first day, I witnessed children coming to school extremely happy, with big smiles in their little faces. Though, I couldn't help noticing many of them didn't even have a backpack to carry their stuff. They'd bring their school supplies in a plastic bag. During class, I saw this little girl working diligently with an old tiny piece of pencil, the only pencil she had, yet it didn't stop her from completing her classwork. I immediately fell in love with this career and decided to go back to school and become a teacher. During my volunteering days, we were able to to get backpacks and school supplies for the entire school, thanks to a lot of kindhearted people who helped. Today, those kids continue pursuing their dream of becoming someone in life.

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I love to interact with others and utilized my analytical skills towards learnings and getting knowledge in terms of awareness, strategies and techniques for teaching.

  • My love for kids inspired me to become a teacher ,and my constant need of wanting to help people ,in the teaching profession you get to help people by teaching them things that will help build their future, and I believe being a teacher makes you a better person as well,it teaches you understanding, as you work with different people ,it teaches patience and it improves your problem solving skills as you’re faced with different situations everyday

  • I was performing close up magic to some women in an Irish Pub in Madrid, Spain in 1999. After the show one of them asked me if I taught English. My response was negative. I told them I was a magician and not a teacher. However they insisted I go into the classroom and give the children more than just the usual lesson because they were teachers and saw that I had good communication skills. A display of magic would help stimulate the learning process. So I accepted the offer and my career as an English teacher had begun.

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  • I love languages and I love to learn. I love when people want to learn something new, when they enjoy what they do. I love when another person understands something and feels good about it. I like to share what I know.

  • What inspired me to become a teacher was a combination of things. Firstly, I have always had a passion for learning and for sharing knowledge with others. Secondly, I believe that education is one of the most powerful tools for creating positive change in the world, and I wanted to be a part of that process. Lastly, I have had teachers in my life who have made a significant impact on me, and I wanted to have that same impact on others. Being a teacher allows me to combine my passion for learning with my desire to make a positive difference in the world, and that's why I find it so fulfilling.

  • Well I'm bossy and it's a great field with no investment 😁

  • I love interacting with groups or individuals, i enjoy company and most of all seeing the joy on the students faces when they have acomplished their goals, dreams and aspirations

  • Since I was a student it had always seemed very interesting to me, working as a teacher. And then, my first day of practical training as a teacher was totally enough for me to know that ... that's that.

  • My English teacher at school made my native tongue come alive in all its quirky magnificence. This is how my love of Shakespeare was ignited. While many see English as a necessary evil, I wanted to show the world the sheer versatility and richness of the language. Too many people study English in a dry two dimensional way, but I want people to use the language in all its weird and wonderful glory. English should be enjoyed by all, not studied.

  • I have always loved being around children. During my volunteering at a local school I felt extremely pleased whenever children grasped what I taught them or if I was quoted. I felt that I could make a change in a child's life.

  • To be able to help other people with the knowledge that I have so that they can meet their desired goals. This makes me feel inspired because I know that someone out there is confident because of me.

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