What does the expression " it's raining cats and dogs" mean?
It's an idiomatic expression
14 answers from our tutors
It’s an idiomatic expression, which means raining unusually hard.
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It’s an idiomatic expression which means raining heavily.
It means it is raining heavily.
"Raining cats and dogs" is an idiomatic expression means raining heavily.
- Teacher LucyExperienced Certified TEFL Teacher
Hi again, Fred. It means that it's raining heavily. Both your questions are very popular idiomatic expressions used often by native speakers. Great to have in your vocabulary ;)
It’s used ti describe a particularly heavy rain.
It means its raining heavily. More like an idiomatic expression.
“raining cats and dogs” may refer to a storm with wind (dogs) and heavy rain (cats). “Cats and dogs” may come from the Greek expression cata doxa, which means “contrary to experience or belief.” If it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining unusually or unbelievably hard.