What do you say/teach in a trial lesson?

I am aware that livexp offers some tips. I'm wondering if you follow them or you have your own way of doing it.

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i ask my students about their learning goal. and i try to make my trial class as much productive as i can. my mostly focus is on student's learning requirement 3-6 minutes introduction 5 minutes curriculum discussion 10-15minutes topic content or learning goal 4 minutes wrap-up activity and take home task.

  • A trial lesson is to break the ice and asses their level. It can be used to plan future classes that fit the student's goals.

  • My trial lessons are usually conversational to allow the student to show off their skills and practice conversation.

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  • I don't teach anything. For me a trial lesson has always been - and will always be - about getting introduced to each other, trying to leave such an impression that the student will have enough confidence to pick precisely me from among all other tutors and defining goals and expectations in case they really choose me. In other words, to an extent I treat it like the first date. Getting to know each other a bit and trying to come across as a nice person.

  • Hi As Tutor in the trial lesson I aim to make the learners feel comfortable. I ask them some questions that is to say why they want to study English, if they are familiar with it , their goals and expectations of the course. Unless they have a specific request. Best regards

  • I spend the 15mins just asking questions and allow them to talk about their home life, work, hobbies and whatever interests them. The second half is a reading part where I can listen. The last 5 mins are spent reviewing my observations and suggestions along with any personal or professional goals they have. Observe Listen Share. It's been working well for all of us.

  • A good goal is to try to teach the student at least three things they didn't know before the lesson.

  • If the student has completed a needs analysis, based on that you can see if LiveXP tips are relevant or you can create your own, build rapport and develop relationship. based on what you experience you can then advise student what lessons are needed, etc.

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