What do you expect during classes?

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3 answers from our tutors

  • A positive environment where both student and teacher actively participate. I encourage students to come prepared and ready to learn. I expect students to be punctual and attentive. I encourage note-taking, active listening, critical thinking and asking questions when needed. I value open communication and encourage students to share their thoughts. My expectations revolve around fostering a positive and stimulating learning environment where students feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives.

  • Respect yourself, the teacher & others. ... Put forth your best effort at all times. ... Be prepared for class each day. ... Follow directions when given. ... Pay attention, participate and ask questions. Avoid interrupting the class

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  • •Pay attention, participate and ask questions. •Be prepared for class each day. •Minimize classroom interruptions. •Try to do your best at all times. • Respect yourself and the teacher.

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