What book is your favorite book (it can be in any language)?

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17 answers from our tutors

  • when it comes to books in prefer to read fantasy and fiction however my favorite book of all time would be 'Born before her time' a novel by Margaret Afuh. I read it in middle school and never got over it

  • Teacher Marko
    Teacher MarkoCountry flag: me

    ''Rich dad poor dad'' by Robert Kiyosaki is one of the favorites.

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  • I've read "A Wrinkle in Time" several times.

  • Les Miserables

  • I read The Lord of the Rings Trilogy from cover to cover twice in a row when I was 16. I don't think I've ever read any book that comes even close to it.

  • I enjoyed Farenheit 451, and I've read many John Grisham novels both in English

  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

  • Percy Jackson and Anne of Green Gables too

  • I love all japanese short story books by Sayaka Murata

  • If you want to learn Business English for Corporate meeting and presentation . Kindly contact and lets have a lesson . We will look at Public Speaking and Business meeting ethics

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