What aspect of English language do you find most interesting and most challenging? State why.
There are various aspects such as; grammar, vocabulary development, phonetics/phonology, comprehension, summary and writing.
10 answers from our tutors
Best answer
I find vocabulary most interesting and most challenging to learn since there are always a lot of new words that magically spark from no where. I find them really fun to explore and learn.
spelling and grammar are interesting. the challenge is when is spelling is wrong the meaning changes.
Frankly l like all aspects of studying English as each on enhance a certain point in me .All of them add your knowledge and to your experience each in a different and unique way😊
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Start testThe phonological (sounds) aspect is interesting to me.
Literature and creative writing it allows you to expand on your comprehension. At the same time it demands your understanding especially when it comes to the old English of the King James bible version. It challenges the mind as you fall in love with the language
- TanyaConversation Teacher/ TEFL Teacher
I find English prose interesting, because it showcase the knowledge and the inner working of the author. The most challenging to me is pronunciation, because no two days in a row words form the same in my mouth.
Tenses, in the very old days, we learnt , past , present and future, to day it has expanded to past present, past continuous etc etc , fascinating.
Hello Sincerely I find the accent very fascinating. Speaking of which I wrote am article In live Xp blog on Cockney I mean even if there are other many dialect. It's not a big deal if you want to learn English language , that it Received Pronunciation, but I feel more familiar with native with the right accent. Best Regards
Pros: simple grammar compared to other languages. Easier vocabulary and conjugations. Cons: Simple Present. Full of details and it's taught in a time where students don't have much of a background and they end up being really frustrated. The good thing is: when they learn, they really do.
Understanding & mastering the grammar of English language fascinates me a lot. It's just like mathematics.