What are your unique ways of Teaching English online?

Everyone has their own teaching method, It would be nice if we could all share how each of us goes about teaching - other than the obvious. For example; I do Key Cards and we do role play. If when during the dialogue there are discrepancies, we will then work on the structure, word, or tense that needs attention.

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I try to use different tools as much as possible. Blooket, kahoot, bamboozle, lyricstraining and many more. It's important to have fun while learning English. We talk about hypothetical scenarios etc.

  • Each tutor has their own style, however, I like to make conversation and get to know more about the students likes, dislikes and interests, thereafter I use that information to capture the attention of the student. They feel confident speaking about something they like.I love story time or we can do some reading and answering questions about story, with corrections. We can play games as well, do role plays or art.

  • I always make my lessons interactive and I give a lot of encouragement through each activity I plan. I like to make sure that the student is not just sitting and listening but they're also engaging in the lesson. I always make sure to let my students know they can be comfortable sharing thoughts, opinions and questions. It makes for good conversations and even if they dont feel the need, I always have something planned. I include fun little games and question of the day. We will do activities based on their interest as well. I always ask if theres anything in particular that they would like to work on. Then I plan ahead for that. But it all depends on the student and what their needs are.

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  • I encourage my students to speak as much as possible while at the same time appropriately and gently providing corrections if necessary to help them understand their mistakes. In this way, they will feel more comfortable when speaking English and develop fluency.

  • I always always always encourage my students to keep talking even when there is a word they don’t know. I think it is way better to explain what they want to say than to use Google Translate (which often gives incorrect answers anyway)

  • I like to have conversations based on the student's interests. I have a wide range of hobbies and experiences, so we're bound to connect on a few topics we have in common.

  • it depends with the age of the learners. i use props, realia and flashcards for kids. while i use the PPP method for adults and for advanced students i used TTT

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