What are the most effective methods for engaging students in online learning environments?

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You can use various methods including attractive games to draw more attention. You can use shared whiteboards so your students can share their knowledge and materials on it. They like to create their own stuffs most of the time. You can use attractive slides like the one in powerpoints. Visual images are really attractive to their eyes. Ask them to do some tasks within the class time to make them feel they are in real classes.

  • Conducting Q&A sessions, integrate game elements, such as quizze, leader board and badges yo make learning more engaging and fun

  • Usually reward system and positive reinforcement help most students to participate actively.

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  • Mia
    MiaCountry flag: ca
    Certified TEFL Teacher

    ●Set Expectations and Model Engagement. ... ●Build Engagement and Motivation with Course Content and Activities. ... ●Initiate Interaction and Create Faculty Presence. ... ●Foster Interaction between Students and Create a Learning Community. ... ●Create an Inclusive Environment.

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