what are the best questions to ask a new English student?

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what is the reason or purpose for learning English ?

  • The reason why they want to learn English.

  • What makes you feel the happiest?

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  • When engaging with a new English student, it's important to ask questions that encourage conversation, assess their language proficiency, and understand their learning goals. Here are some useful questions to ask a new English student: What is your native language? How long have you been learning English? What are your specific goals for learning English? What areas of English do you find most challenging? How do you prefer to learn? Are there any specific topics or vocabulary you would like to focus on? How much time can you dedicate to English study each week? Have you had any previous experiences with English classes or teachers? Are there any particular challenges or difficulties you face in learning English? Remember, asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their responses will foster a positive learning environment and help you tailor your teaching approach to their specific needs.

  • What's your purpose for learning English. How long do you plan in achieving or learning English. This is to help me the teacher to know how effective I should tailor the lessons.

  • the one of the best is what u want to learn means what are your future goals? by knowing that u will be able to make schedule easily.

  • Tell me about your goals while learning language and what would you most prefer in learning process?

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    The more questions you ask your new student the more you would learn from him or her you will learn to know them beter .

  • Why would you like to improve your English level ?

  • I would ask this question What do you want to achieve and what are your goals.

  • Are you trying to get to know them better, assess their level, or help them practice their skills? • The level of your questions. Are you asking questions that are appropriate for their proficiency, not too easy or too difficult? • The type of your questions. Are you asking open-ended or closed-ended questions? Open-ended questions require more than a yes or no answer and can encourage more communication and interaction. • The topic of your questions. Are you asking questions that are relevant, interesting, and respectful for the student? Are you avoiding sensitive or controversial topics that might make them uncomfortable? Here are some examples of possible questions to ask a new English student, depending on the factors above: • To get to know them better: What is your name? Where are you from? Why are you learning English?

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