What are some phrases that are effectively used in a debate (agreeing or disagreeing)?
10 answers from our tutors
DISAGREEING: - beg to differ - let's agree to disagree AGREE: - in all Accordance
Correction Disagreeing: I strongly disagree
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Start test- I can't agree more (meaning I strongly agree with you) - I hate to disagree, but.... (meaning I don't want to disagree with you but I do) - I beg to differ. ...(a polite and formal way to respond in disagreement if you disagree with an opinion) - I concur. (a quite formal way of saying that you agree)
Agreeing: I strongly agree I share the same opinion Disagreeing: I strongly agree I respectfully think otherwis
I can't agree with you less
Agreeing: 1. I agree with you. 2. you make a valid point. 3. I share the same opinion. 4. I see your perspective, and I agree. 5. That's a compelling argument. Disagreeing: 1. I respectfully disagree. 2. I understand your point, but I have a different view. 3. I see things differently. 4. I'm afraid I can't agree with you. 5. I'm not convinced by that argument.
Agreeing: Yes, that’s true. You are correct about… I feel the same about… Disagreeing: However, …. On the opposite side… Have you considered…
The evidence shows that... Many believe... For example... this is also supported by... On the contrary... In conclusion...
- LesaCertified Online Tutor with 5 years experience teaching children . 9 years Business background .
' I'm afraid I cant quite agree with your point -