What are some of your favorite teaching methods of your tutors and why.

Talk about how the English tutors here make you feel about the lessons, what are some of the things that allows you to have "fun" when learning and enjoy the overall experience. Be descriptive and try to write very well for some good practice.

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5 answers from our tutors

  • 1. Differentiated instruction Differentiated instruction is the idea of creating tailored education plans for students based on differing needs 2. Lecture-based learning A traditional way to structure classroom learning is the lecture format, in which teachers explain information while students observe. Teachers lead a lesson by presenting on, showing visuals of and modeling examples of a topic 3. Technology-based learning Teachers can use technology in the classroom to make teaching processes more efficient and aid in student learning. Students can use devices like computers and tablets to read materials, conduct research or play educational games. 4. Group learning Segmenting students into groups is a great way to teach them skills in collaboration. 5. Individual learning While group projects can be exciting opportunities for students, it's also important to promote individual learning so that they can work by themselves.

  • Here are some methods I prefer to use in my classroom. Differentiated Instruction- creating tailored education plans to fit the learning needs of each individual learner. You can do this by providing reading materials for different reading levels. Creating custom spelling lists for students with different levels of spelling skills. Lastly for this technique host small groups to offer tailored advice to students. Another technique I like to use especially for younger students is implementing educational games for my students to keep them interested throughout my lessons, incorporating games also helps overall participation from the students. My final technique would be Segmenting students, to create collaboration between students so they can learn from each other, when discussing subjects.

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  • My favorite teaching methods are the following: 1. Student-centered discussion - which help my students to engage in deep thinking. I want my students to be at the center of their learning. 2. Making connections- this will be real life stories which makes learning interesting and relevant for studies. 3. Focus on Literacy - this provides reading materials that interests them and helps them to understand the joys of reading for pleasure.

  • People are different but I think when learners talk about things they are interested in, the lesson becomes enjoyable and also pictures make the lesson interesting and fun. Not only are you having a conversational lessons but you can also see visuals of what you learn.

  • I think students will learn more when they are interested in a topic. If a person likes Cinema, you can help them with movies, reviews, and cinema vocab and you'll see they will devour the subject and learn every thing!! so I think it is better to go with topics and teach Grammar little by little when the students need or use a structure and you find it to be the best time to teach the grammar! this is the best method for teens to keep them entertained and motivated. if students are older adults though, they enjoy a well-structured syllabus and it is more useful to use a course book! they need to see what we are going to cover next session and where in the journey of learning English they are.

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