Tutors, how do you make your lessons successful when teaching?

3 answers from our tutors

  • I like to make sure the student is aware of the objective of the lesson - whether we are focusing on reading, listening or speaking skills. I encourage my students to actively participate in the lesson, ask questions. By asking questions, you get the students to speak more. Also complimenting a student for trying their best and being motivated is a great way to connect with a student.

  • I make my lessons successful by creating a friendly and supportive learning environment. Secondly, I focus on my students interests and needs so that I am able to tailor my lessons to the specific needs of each and every student. Thirdly, I use a variety of teaching methods, including reading, writing, speaking and listening. Finally, I give my students plenty of opportunities to practice and apply what they are learning. With these elements in place, I believe that lessons will be effective and enjoyable for my students.

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  • To be effective, a lesson has to include clear, easy to follow instructions; it has to have a clear objective—what we want students to walk away having learned or understood; and it has to be engaging enough to keep students interested and participating throughout.

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