Trending words! Did you know that approximately 14.7 new English words are generated per day?

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Here are some new words which have been generated since the spread of Covid: 1. Infodemic - An overabundance of information, often misleading or inaccurate, about a particular topic or event. 2. Zoombombing - The act of disrupting a Zoom meeting by joining uninvited and sharing inappropriate content. 3. Blursday - A term used to describe the feeling of losing track of time during extended periods of isolation or remote work. 4. Maskne - Acne caused by wearing a face mask for extended periods of time. 5. Quarantini - A cocktail made at home during quarantine. 6. Doomsurfing - The act of obsessively reading negative news online. 7. Doomscrolling-the act of endlessly scrolling through social media or news feeds,often resulting in feelings of anxiety and depression

  • FURTIVE - secrete Example: She is very furtive. IPERTENINT - forward Example: She very an impertinent girl. INEPT - incompetent Example: She is inept for this job ABNEGATION - renouncing a belief or doctrine. ALACRITY - eagerness ANACHRONISTIC - misplaced chronologically CALLOUS - disregard for others CLAMOR - proclaim something noisily

  • ABERRATION - a state of condition markedly different from the norm. ABHOR - feel hatred or disgust. ACQUIESCE - agree or express agreement. ALACRITY - liveliness and eagerness AMIABLE - diffusing warmth and friendliness APPEASE - make peace with CALLOUS - emotionally hardened CIRCUMSPECT - careful to consider potential consequences and avoid risk. CUMULATIVE - increasing by successive addition

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  • I guess I better get with the program, where do you find these new words, would they then be in our dictionaries,

  • Althleisure: comfortable casual footwear and clothing designed for excercise and rigorous activity. Broigus: angry or irritated By-catch: A catch of fish or other marine life that is not the target of fishing operation. Chillax: To relax, to become calm

  • Abrogate- To revoke Anachronism- Something out of place for the time period Arrant- Entirely and completely Artless- Without deception Asperity- Harsh in tone Belie- To convey a misleading impression of; to distort Byzantine- Convoluted and complicated Cajole- Persuade through flattery or coaxing. Conciliate- To reach an agreement with Connecticutian- A native of Connecticut Consanguineous- Of the same ancestry or origin Copypasta- Data (including text) copied and pasted from the internet Demagogue- A political leader who employs rhetoric to appeal to regular individuals’ preconceptions and wants. Diatribe- A verbal assault against another person Dilatory- Wasting time Embourgeoisement- The adoption of bourgeois values and practices Equivocate- To speak ambiguously in order to deceive someone Fatuous- Without intelligence Gaffe- An inconvenient social act Garrulous- Talking excessively

  • awesomesauce (extremally good), mansplain (man+explain), athleisure( casual clothing and foot wear), awfy (extremely), chillax (relaxed)

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